Let's cut the BS

We all know that we don’t want BS.  And sometimes it’s hard to know what is BS and what's not.  In East Asian medicine, that is the role of the small intestine, to separate pure from impure. What is good for you from what is waste. It totally makes sense when they say, you are what you eat. Your cells are literally made from the food and drink that you consume.  Now what about the mental, emotional and spiritual side?  Well, the exact same is true. You are your thoughts. You are the people you surround yourself with. Sometimes we need to go through and find out what is really true and good for us and get rid of the BS. I will always be in awe of the wisdom of this medicine, our body, especially the small intestine!

I recently experienced Theta Healing with Amanda Barlow.  Her treatment was incredible, kind of hard to explain but like a super charged therapy session. The underlying take away for me was to really figure out my true self. Her session reminded me a lot of the work of the small intestine.  I was able to clearly see that I am NOT:

  • The limiting beliefs I picked up throughout life.

  • The misconceptions I had from not seeing the big picture.

  • My coping mechanisms.

  • The conditioning I learned throughout life.

The Theta treatment allowed me to see what was really not me and let go of that shit.  I have a whole new reverence for the work of the small intestine and will certainly be nourishing mine in my own acupuncture treatments. My new year wish for you is that you can also let go of what is not yours to hold onto so that you can thrive as your true self.